Video Marketing The Next Wave?

Here is an interesting discussion that seems to be floating around some circles. Have you heard talk that “video marketing is the next wave” for advertising and promotions?
If that is true, then there must be evidence. Newspapers will die. Magazines will die. Direct mail will die. Billboards will die. True?
So, why is it that these other media continue to thrive? Yes, for sure, video marketing is carving out a nice niche. But that’s all it is – a niche. Just like each media has its own place.
So, let us not neglect to hone our copywriting skills, our script writing skills, layout skills and so on. There is a place for all. Small business owners tend to hunt for that silver bullet. There is no short cut. Do not jump at “the next big thing” and hope your business will fly.
Marketing is as marketing has always been. In all its various forms and through all its various media; long live marketing.
3 Replies to “Video Marketing The Next Wave?”
I think it is extremely difficult to get viewers via video marketing. It will be more expensive than article marketing.
For me video marketing is most excellent way because video is trouble-free to understand than reading. Yes it is more expensive than all others but somewhere it’s advantageous.
Wondering if it is cost that deters people from using video marketing or even video email.