No Account is a ‘Problem Account’

No Account is a ‘Problem Account’

“The most dangerous thing that can happen to us, I think, is to permit a feeling to develop that any client is a problem. I have always taken the attitude that no account is a ‘problem account’ but that all accounts have important problems attached to them – that you can waste more time and …

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Lousy Ad: Why You Shouldn’t Simply Convert Coloured Ad into Black-White Ad?

Lousy Ad: Why You Shouldn’t Simply Convert Coloured Ad into Black-White Ad?

When you want to publish an advertisement with black background and white text, be extra careful. You might end up like the ad shown above. I do not know if this is a case of a penny-wise, pound foolish client or an honest mistake by the designer who does not have enough understanding of press …

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Great Ad 21: Before It’s Too Late

Great Ad 21: Before It’s Too Late

I went “wow” when I first saw this advertisement, it hits the nail right on the head. Through “Lungs”, WWF France reminds us how greenery impacts our body and health. Visually, the art direction is stunningly well executed, so much so that TBWA can even afford to lose the tagline “Before it’s too late” without …

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Soaring Eagle, Rising Sale

Soaring Eagle, Rising Sale

I just read the following at Mr Harvey Mackay’s column and believe everyone in marketing should know this The Research Institute of America conducted a study for the White House Office of Consumer Affairs, which found: Only 4 percent of unhappy customers bother to complain. For every complaint we hear, 24 others go excommunicated to …

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Sex Advertising in Singapore

Sex Advertising in Singapore

It would not be a surprise to find this ad in some progressive European country. Or in the USA. Or any where else, in fact, except in (surprise! surprise!) – Singapore. When the ad was first launched, the hapless Burger King agency in the USA, Crispin Porter & Bogusky was credited with the dubious honour …

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The Value of Back End Products

The Value of Back End Products

We just ran a successful workshop with 25% of the participants purchasing seminar packages (aka, the back end product) that were easily 15 times higher than the workshop (aka the front end product)  fees.  The result was a great energy and morale booster as we scrambled to put everything together in less than 3 weeks.  …

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The Rocks in Your Life

The Rocks in Your Life

Let me share with you a story… … Once upon a time, 3 rich guys decided to have a get-together and the brilliant idea was to row a boat to the middle of the lake to enjoy a fabulous afternoon tea. Happily, they rowed out. Once they anchored the boat and settled down, they laughed. …

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Web Sites and Usability

Web Sites and Usability

Just read an interesting interview over at the Corporate Eye blog about good usability. This is an interesting read. You would think that after so many years of being online, most of us will have a good grasp of this concept of usability. Well, just as common sense is rather uncommon, than good usability is …

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