How to Sell Yourself Effectively The First Time?

How to Sell Yourself Effectively The First Time?

When you introduce yourself for the first time to someone you just met in a networking session, how will you sell yourself? Think, and go through your self-introduction speech in your head before reading on. There’s a reason for this suggestion. The conversation probably goes like this: John: Hi, I’m John Smith. Harry: Hi, John, …

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Toot Your Own Horn to be Successful

Toot Your Own Horn to be Successful

Saw Donald Trump ticked Aaron off at the 6th season of “The Apprentice”. When given an opportunity to shine, Aaron chose to keep his lips sealed in the boardroom. That proved to be a silent kiss of death as far as Mr Trump was concerned. He was fired eventually. The business world is no nursery …

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Can Cheap Web Hosting be Good?

Can Cheap Web Hosting be Good?

I have an interesting tea party yesterday with a few blogger-friends. Almost everyone was lamenting that their wallets were getting empty faster with the impact of rising fuel price. One said he will have to cut down on smoking, which actually isn’t a bad idea. After all, he is literally spending money to burn his …

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Famous Slogan 49: “One World One Dream” for 2008 Beijing Olympics

Famous Slogan 49: “One World One Dream” for 2008 Beijing Olympics

Regardless if it’s politically, economically or socially, China is a world that many countries in the west – and even some in the east – cannot understand. Lack of understanding unfortunately creates lots of suspicion, tension and wariness in relationships, country to country, man to man. It was the intention of the Chinese government to …

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It’s Almost Like a Third World Country!

It’s Almost Like a Third World Country!

Rising fuel prices and global food shortages have caused rice prices to increase 61.1% when comparing June 2007 to June 2008. Besides rice, soya beans rocketed 57.4%, corn soared 51.2%, wheat escalated 45.3% and even milk surged by 33.5%. What do all these mean to the ordinary Joes and Janes? Cutting back unnecessary expenses, pre-plan …

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Is Facebooking Fantastic or Foolish?

Is Facebooking Fantastic or Foolish?

My guest writer for May is an experienced marketer and publicist in the lifestyle and heritage sector, who relishes new ideas, refreshing approaches, and unconventional solutions to age-old problems. If you visit Walter Lim’s blog at Coolinsight, you will be fascinated with his candid thoughts on marketing and public relations and entertained by his many …

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Recycle Your Vintage Marketing And Save The World!

Recycle Your Vintage Marketing And Save The World!

Rising fuel price and inflation has caused many people to simplify their life and live below their means. Governments and schools have been promoting the virtues of “reduce, reuse and recycle” for ages but green consciousness did not take off save for niches here and there. Until reality hits home that income are not rising …

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