Business Slogan 27: No FT, No Comments

Business Slogan 27: No FT, No Comments

A carefully crafted business slogan speaks volumes of it’s brand values and promises, successfully. Guess who said this: “No FT. No Comment. Answer: Financial Times (1982) Until you read the Financial Times, you won’t know if you got it all right. Don’t you want to be absolutely sure before pretending to be Mr Greenspan? Check …

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Blog Marketing – Taking the Obvious Route

Blog Marketing – Taking the Obvious Route

According to Technorati, there are about 92.8 million blogs. That is just blogs alone. Not counting other types of websites. Talk about crowded markets. Marketing is all about drawing attention. As a natural progression, marketing boils down to the process of attracting attention -> gain interest -> inspire action/decision -> retain attention. So, what would …

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Are there Rules for the Creative Folks?

Are there Rules for the Creative Folks?

This post is the result of Asgeir Hoem tagging me to further Marc Rapp‘s quest of finding out the creative folks’ rules for design. What are the rules that have helped them to succeed as creative people – “something you’ve developed as a principle. Something that never fails you”. I was intrigued with this immediate …

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Features Vs Benefits – Do You Know The Difference?

Features Vs Benefits – Do You Know The Difference?

I have been talking quite a bit on copy recently, from the importance of having headlines that sell, avoiding copy that sounds too good to be true to how to brief a copywriter to get the best work accomplished. Today, I’m inviting Ms Laura Spencer, a professional copywriter, to share her views on the differences …

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How To Write Headlines That Sell

How To Write Headlines That Sell

Most people read the newspapers for news and social information (or sometimes called “gossips”), and not for advertisements. Yet, advertisers are spending good money to be seen. To overcome this challenge, creative folks use a mix of traffic stopping words and images to get you to read these advertisements. Today, let’s talk about words, specifically …

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Clever Niche Marketing – Selling Qualified Leads

Clever Niche Marketing – Selling Qualified Leads

Marketing is such a big, big world. And as the world becomes more sophisticated and educated, it is becoming more and more difficult to market. Add to that the huge number of marketers and you have a very big, very noisy marketplace. This is why niche marketing is becoming more and more important. I just …

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Does Pay By Performance works with an Advertising Agency?

Does Pay By Performance works with an Advertising Agency?

Here is an interesting one, and it is in response to some comments and emails which we received after our earlier post on pay by performance. Several comments came in based on the fact that they were concerned that spending money on marketing campaigns and advertisements could become an exercise in flushing money down the …

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