Business Credit Card Made Easy

Business Credit Card Made Easy

I always find it a chore to keep receipts, fill out claim forms, submit to the Finance Department; then wait for reimbursement for the expenses I have incurred for business entertainment. I suggested to our Finance Department to get me a business credit card. That would save both parties the hassle of shoving paper work …

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Business Consultation can be FREE

Business Consultation can be FREE

A supporter of this blog sent me an email after reading my earlier post, Food for Thoughts, where my concluding paragraph said “There are just so many ways to do marketing with or without money. Just don’t stop marketing!” Chris’ questions were: “Are there ways to do cheap or free advertising? Where can I seek …

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“Why Pay Retail When You Can Save Up To 70%”

“Why Pay Retail When You Can Save Up To 70%”

What is the most powerful word in marketing and sales? FREE. So who is the first runner-up to FREE? There will be some debate over this but my choice would be SAVE. “Save 80% of your effort when you buy our …”, ” Save 25% if you take action today”, “Why pay more when you …

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Food for Thoughts

Food for Thoughts

June is coming and my countrymen or rather countrywomen would be looking forward to the Super Singapore Sale. Besides the year-end Christmas season, this period is indeed the golden month for retailers islandwide. Retailers – big or small – will be falling over one another to outshine their competitors’ offerings in terms of varieties, price …

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Business Slogan 20: The Uncola

Business Slogan 20: The Uncola

A carefully crafted business slogan speaks volumes of it’s brand values and promises, successfully. Why “cola” is used in one of 7-up most talked about advertising slogan: “The uncola.” Find out more by clicking here.

Masterseek – A New, Niche Search Engine

Masterseek – A New, Niche Search Engine

Yahoo!, Google and MSN Live Search are so omnipresent that whenever we want to do a search, they are always our top-of-the-mind recall. To ensure that you are visible to the internet community, certainly you should be listed/submitted there. But they are not the only options we have. As far as I know, there are …

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