Business Slogan 26: Got Milk?

Business Slogan 26: Got Milk?

A carefully crafted business slogan speaks volumes of it’s brand values and promises, successfully. Guess who said this: “Got Milk?” Answer: California Milk Processor Board (developed by Goodby, Silverstein & Partners in 1993) Originally created for California Milk Processor Board in 1993 to push milk sales, and is now licensed by the national milk processor …

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Just Sales Techniques Are Not Enough Sometimes

Just Sales Techniques Are Not Enough Sometimes

A seasoned sales consultant would know that a client with lots of problem will be a willing paying client provided the latter is happy with the solutions offered. Prolonged hours of using the computer and surfing the internet cause my back, shoulder, wrist and thumb to ache consistently. Other than visiting a chiropractor, the other …

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Internet Marketing vs Brick-and-Mortar Business

Internet Marketing vs Brick-and-Mortar Business

It is always difficult for someone who is just starting a business. But sometimes, the problems start even before you start. Today, with Internet Marketing becoming more established, the choices are even more confusing. Many of us believe that a “real” business is when you have a little office on High Street, or if you …

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Niche Marketing – Offer What Others Are Not Offering

Niche Marketing – Offer What Others Are Not Offering

At an earlier post, Niche Marketing Is Not to be Ignored, I said niche marketing is all about focusing on a specific, over-looked and under-served area where your product and expertise can create a major impact and be a big hit. I even used Mac Poker Online (poker site catering to Apple Macintosh users) as …

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Crisis Management as part of your Marketing Plans

Crisis Management as part of your Marketing Plans

I just saw a post over at which I felt was significant enough to make a short note on. His post was about “crisis marketing” and basically, it is a twist on the concept of “crisis management”. As we all know, in most PR plans, there are contingencies made for when bad things happen. …

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Niche Marketing – Summer Holidays

Niche Marketing – Summer Holidays

I have been writing about niche marketing recently, and once again, I come across yet another interesting example that I think you will be interested to read about. For those in temperate climates, summer is a big deal. People who live in hot, tropical countries like Singapore and Malaysia have no idea what the big …

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Do You Have a Personal Brand?

Do You Have a Personal Brand?

Whatever you do about your personal branding, just don’t be a “Paris Hilton”. She might be in the news all the time but none of them are in a very favorable light. Most of us savor snickering at gossips now and then, and we enjoy seeing people put on the spot and laughing at them, …

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