Traditional Game Show Format Goes Online

Traditional Game Show Format Goes Online

Creativity in marketing is not limited to nice graphics or clever copy writing. Sometimes, simple ideas from tried-and-true marketing techniques can work. The creativity comes in when you apply a twist to it that will make it a little different from everyone else. Take a look at this version of an online sweepstakes contest from …

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Link Directories

Link Directories

In the world of Internet Marketing, seems like links are what it is all about. Everywhere you go, you get to hear about how important links are. One of the most common advise I have been given has been to submit my site to Link Directories. Sounds like a great idea. The only problem is, …

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A Really Helpful Web SEO Glossary

A Really Helpful Web SEO Glossary

Having been in the “traditional” advertising industry for so many years, I got a real culture shock when I first entered the Internet Marketing arena several years back. Especially confusing for me was this thing called “Search Engine Optimisation” or SEO. Not only was it difficult to understand some of the underlying techniques and concepts, …

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Make or Break with Online Credit Card Payments

Make or Break with Online Credit Card Payments

Some people mistakenly think that a sale is done when the goods are delivered. The goods are delivered but the transaction is not completed yet. A sale is completed only when the invoice is paid and the money is safely in your bank. This is true whether it is an online or offline business. If …

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