Entrepreneurs Are Born

Entrepreneurs Are Born

Through the course of work, I have met some very capable marketing executives climbing the corporate ladder very successfully. They make a good income, collect fat bonuses and receive their deserving promotions year after year. With their knowledge and experience, they could have started their advertising agencies, marketing consultancy or branding expertise companies easily. However, …

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Great Ad 2: Sony Micro Vault

Great Ad 2: Sony Micro Vault

Sony revolutionize with the Walkman. It’s snazzy product ideas, coupled with powerful marketing and advertising campaigns, made Sony a market leader to be reckoned with. Sony is a bit quiet these days but I thought their Micro Vault ads were pretty cool. Just take a look how much content from your albums, CDs, books and …

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Loyalty Marketing and Rewards Still Work

Loyalty Marketing and Rewards Still Work

One of the greatest invention of modern times must surely be shopping. That habit of browsing with no intention to buy that always seem to end up with you having bags and bags of things that you think “… better to get it now!” Just take a look at this Shopping Directory, and you tell …

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Digital Camera is also a Marketing Tool

Digital Camera is also a Marketing Tool

I seldom meet a client without my laptop. Just yesterday, a client said in an envious tone that I can work anywhere as long as I have a wireless Internet connection, a laptop and a mobile phone. I agree. I don’t have to be in the office to get some of my work done. Those …

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Great Ad 1: Without Heinz

Great Ad 1: Without Heinz

Without Heinz, your breakfast, lunch or dinner taste like cardboard. Simple advertisement but the message is succinctly clear and powerful. This ad is one which qualifies the saying,”a picture paints a thousand words”. Why is it powerful? Attract attention – You’ll wonder, “Why are the eggs and bacon, hotdog, steak and chips rendered using cardboard?” …

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Mark Joyner to Turn Around Your Business?

Mark Joyner to Turn Around Your Business?

Until I attended World Internet Summit in May 2007, I did not know who Mark Joyner was. Now I know that the other internet gurus have crowned him as the Godfather of Internet. He has been there, done that before others became even aware of the term “internet millionaire”. His presentation on the 6 rules …

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